Stonelow Junior School Anti-Bullying Information


Stonelow Junior School Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy



  • Is when someone hurts you feelings, threatens you or hurts you physically several times, not just once.
  • Can happen on the way to school, in the playground, on the internet, through phones or games consoles (cyber bullying).


What should I do if I'm being bullied?

  • Try telling the bully to stop.
  • Tell an adult in school or a trusted adult. If you are uncomfortable doing this ask a friend to speak to an adult for you.
  • DON'T do it back to them.


What should I do if I see bullying?

  • Try telling the bully to stop.
  • Tell an adult in school that you think someone might be being bullied.
  • DON'T copy the bully.
  • DON'T just stand by and watch.



Beat the Bullies

Our School Pledge


Bullying is wrong

It is mean and hurtful

We won't let it happen anymore

We can help each other stand up to the bullies

We want the bullying to STOP

And the kindness to start

At Stonelow we will stand together

And speak up for each other

We are a team

We work together

Together we can beat the bullies

Reach out to others and help

Because we care


Written by the children in Year 4


Parents can click on the links for further advice on sexting. There are also links within this site which could support you with more information. 






page last updated on 02/07/2024


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